Hi all,

Just joined the unbound/ldns/nsd wagon and I've got a test nsd running...

Now, after looking at some recursor solution, I'm willing to use unbound after seeing some perf numbers in the "Alternative DNS Servers" book.

I've compiled nsd with Sun Studio 12 on Solaris 10 10/08 x64.

I'm trying to do the same with unbound...

Here is what I'm doing:

 gzcat ldns-1.5.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -

 gzcat unbound-1.2.1.tar.gz | tar xvf -

 cd ldns-1.5.1
 CC='cc -xc99' CFLAGS=-O LDFLAGS='-lsocket -lnsl' \
 ./configure \
   --prefix=/opt/unbound \
 gmake install

 cd drill
 LDFLAGS=-R/opt/unbound/lib \
 ./configure \
   --prefix=/opt/unbound \
 make install

I did some small test with drill, it works... for now.

Then, unbound:

 cd ../../unbound-1.2.1
 CC='cc -xc99' CFLAGS=-O LDFLAGS='-lsocket -lnsl' \
 ./configure \
   --prefix=/opt/unbound \
       --libexecdir=/opt/unbound/lib \
       --sysconfdir=/etc/unbound \
       --sharedstatedir=/var/unbound \
       --localstatedir=/var/unbound \
       --with-conf-file=/etc/unbound/unbound.conf \
       --with-run-dir=/var/unbound \
       --with-pidfile=/var/run/unbound.pid \
       --with-username=unbound \
       --with-pthreads \

gmake install

 All of this works without errors.

Now, when I try to run unbound...

# /opt/unbound/sbin/unbound
[1238082757] unbound[24462:0] warning: increased limit(open files) from 256 to 312
[1238082757] unbound[24462:0] debug: creating udp4 socket 53
[1238082757] unbound[24462:0] debug: creating tcp4 socket 53
[1238082757] unbound[24462:0] debug: switching log to syslog
# echo $?

But if I check, it's not running...

And then, looking into syslog:

Mar 26 11:53:51 gn-msi02 unbound: [ID 993594 daemon.warning] [24511:0] warning: did not exit gracefully last time (24508) Mar 26 11:53:51 gn-msi02 unbound: [ID 993594 daemon.error] [24512:0] error: error parsing local-data 'localhost. 10800 IN SOA localhost. nobody.invalid. 1 3600 1200
604800 10800': Syntax error, value expected
Mar 26 11:53:51 gn-msi02 unbound: [ID 993594 daemon.error] [24512:0] error: bad local-data: localhost. 10800 IN SOA localhost. nobody.invalid. 1 3600 1200 604800 10
Mar 26 11:53:51 gn-msi02 unbound: [ID 993594 daemon.error] [24512:0] error: out of memory adding default zone Mar 26 11:53:51 gn-msi02 unbound: [ID 993594 daemon.crit] [24512:0] fatal error: Could not set up local zones

Any help on this ??? Any pointers ???

As a side note, if I compile using the built-in Solaris 10 gcc, it does work...


Simon-Bernard Drolet, SPecialiste X Inc., 514.247.6741.
SBDrolet<at>gmail(dot)com, Sun Solaris Contractor
Certified Sun Technical Instructor, Sun Certified System Admin (2.5,7,8,9,10)
Sun Certified Network Admin (2.5,7,8,9,10) and Security Admin for Solaris 9,10.

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