also sprach Ralph Dolmans via Unbound-users <> 
[2015-12-24 00:33 +1300]:
> Are you sure the tcpdump output corresponds to this part of the log?
> The log indicates that no query is send out because the only suitable
> delegation point (the forwarding server) is marked as unusable, due to
> earlier timeouts. Flushing this entry from the infra cache should make
> it work again (unbound-control flush_infra

Thanks Ralph, this makes a lot more sense now and it's exactly
what's going on: the infrastructure cache causes unbound to skip the
previously unreachable forwarder (this is on a laptop which
sometimes loses signal…), and now I set infra-host-ttl to a low
value and hope to have this fix things.

Take care, and good luck starting into the new year, everyone!

@martinkrafft | |
"it isn't pollution that's harming the environment.
 it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it."
                                                          - dan quayle

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