Maybe what your principal is saying is that you are noticing and naming  what 
children are thinking about. That is just being a good teacher...kids need  
to know what they have done well... like ..."Joey, when you say that this part  
of the book reminded you of _____, you made a connection. Connections are  
something we can use to help us to understand our reading. Tell me what you  
understand now that you didn't understand before you made the connection."   It 
isn't tinkering with their thinking, it is just helping kids to know what  kind 
of thinking they are doing and then guiding them to realize what that  
thinking has helped them to understand. Does this sound right to you?
I just recently read a manuscript (I was privileged to be asked  to review 
new books for Corwin Press...being the girl who can't say no, I do it,  and 
feed my addiction to professional books by paying me in free books!)  that 
talked a lot about fostering engagement. One of the things the text  reminded 
of was wait time. There is wait time one-  which is how long you wait to call 
on someone, and wait time  two--which is how long you wait before you as 
teacher  respond to your student's responses. In light of what Ellin is 
us  about the importance of time to think...the need for silence, I found this 
an  important point.  
My teacher brain worries about what happens when I dwell so long on an  idea 
with one student...will I lose all the others? Yet, I can see the potential  
power here in teaching for depth. I hope that if I increase the amount  of time 
to turn and talk, I will still have the student engagement I desperately  
want so that when I call on someone who is an "unusual suspect", I will get  
depth I want. AND the others will be hanging on every word.
In a message dated 7/6/2008 2:24:23 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

I'm big  on drawing kids out and giving them LOADS of time to think.  In 
fact,  when my principal was doing a formal observation this year, she actually 
timed  me giving a child 22 seconds (total silence, most eyes fixed attentively 
on  him awaiting a response)...and he came up with a great insight.  She also  
said my strength is helping kids interpret their own thinking--or something  
like that--which offended me at first because I DO NOT want to tinker with  
others' thinking, but then...  


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