Hello all!
We should be starting to discuss the last chapter...and I plan to get us going 
on that in the next day or two. 

I did want listserv members to know that we will be running the discussion 
group again starting the third week of September. We would love all of you to 
stay on the list and join the discussion again. The book is so rich and many of 
us have had such great insights the first time around, I can only imagine how 
great the discussion will be once we have had the chance to "dwell in the ideas 
for a while!"? We will run it along the same format...a chapter or so every two 
weeks. There is a link on the readinglady.com webpage so feel free to invite 
others from your school to join us! You don't have to be on Mosaic to be a part 
of this listserv!

Just thought you all would like to know so you can plan out your reading time! 
Understand mailing list

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