I think that this is also true for DB2 using UTF-8 as the database encoding.
>From an application perspective, MS SQL Server is the one that gives us the most
trouble, because it doesn't support UTF-8 as a database encoding for char, etc.

Kenneth Whistler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 06/22/2000 06:42:20 PM

To:   "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  Re: Java, SQL, Unicode and Databases

Jianping responded:

> Tex,
> Oracle doesn't have special requirement for datatype in JDBC driver if you use
UTF8 as database
> character set. In this case, all the text datatype in JDBC will support
Unicode data.

The same thing is, of course, true for Sybase databases using UTF-8
at the database character set, accessing them through a JDBC driver.

But I think Tex's question is aimed at the much murkier area
of what the various database vendors' strategies are for dealing
with UTF-16 Unicode as a datatype. In that area, the answers for
what a cross-platform application vendor needs to do and for how
JDBC drivers might abstract differences in database implementations
are still unclear.


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