At 06:28 PM 7/25/00 -0800, Patrick Andries wrote:
>Shoudl the telephone sign  U+2121 be superscript, and therefore annotated
><exp> 0054 T 0045 E 004C L.
>The two only Unicode fonts I have show this character as a superscript glyph
>(Andalé and Arial Unicode MS).

We were unable to locate any superscript usage that predates fonts that in 
turn are derived from earlier Unicode tables. It is not Superscript in 
Asian fonts and therefore the glyph and mapping were corrected to the more 
typical unsuperscripted form with Unicode 3.0 and ISO/IEC 10646-1:2000.


PS: the <super> in the data tables is not an "annotation" but a formal 
value of the UnicodeData file-syntax. It would therefore not normally 

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