At 6:41 AM -0800 7/25/2000, Mark Davis wrote:
>The issue of how to get Java to display Unicode characters comes up
>periodically. Since the instructions on how to do it are fairly arcane
>(hand-editing the files), I'd like to see someone
>compose a short description to add to the material we have on
> If there is already
>a good description in a persistent page, we could just provide a link
>to it.
>Any volunteers?

Since I want to display Unicode in Java, and haven't yet found out 
the gory details, I volunteer to accept all available information, 
figure out what it means, test it on Windows, Mac, and Linux (Red Hat 
and Yellow Dog), and write it up properly. If someone else comes up 
with a complete procedure, I still volunteer to test it, and to edit 
it with illustrations (screen shots, diagrams, and code). I can 
produce multilingual documents in MSWord, FrameMaker, PDF, HTML, and 

Does anybody know whether this process could be reduced to an 
installation utility written in Java?

Edward Cherlin
"A knot!" exclaimed Alice. "Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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