The beta directory for the Unicode 3.0.1 update has been
refreshed. Several new data files have been added, and several
old ones have been corrected.

Go to:

This link is available from the 3.0.1 Beta Files link on the home page.

The full listing of beta files at that location for the Unicode
3.0.1 update is:

     6136 Aug 17 22:45 ArabicShaping-3d2.beta.txt
     8845 Aug 17 22:43 BidiMirroring-1d1.beta.txt
    43559 Jul 31 21:14 CaseFolding-2d1.beta.txt
     5085 Jul 31 21:14 CompositionExclusions-2d1.beta.txt
     3208 Aug 17 22:42 Jamo-3d1.beta.txt
  1806475 Aug 17 22:43 NormalizationTest-3.0.1d1.beta.txt
    55254 Jul 31 21:14 PropList-3.0.1d2.beta.txt
      393 Aug 17 23:24 ReadMe-3.0.1d1.txt
    13841 Jul 31 21:14 SpecialCasing-3d2.beta.txt
     9417 Aug 17 22:58 UnicodeCharacterDatabase-3.0.1d1.beta.html
    40767 Aug 17 22:42 UnicodeData-3.0.1d2.beta.html
   636269 Jul 31 21:15 UnicodeData-3.0.1d2.beta.txt

These are temporary names. Once the beta review closes, the "beta" and
the delta number on the files will be dropped for the permanent
versioned filename, and the latest versions of the files will
be copied into the UNIDATA directory minus the version extension.

Comparable changes will be made in the ftp hierarchy as well, as
soon as regular ftp service can be restored on the server.

Please note that the beta review is scheduled to close on

                    *** August 25 ***

at which point all data files will be frozen for
the Unicode 3.0.1 update. Any revisions after that date will
be queued for the following update (or minor version release,
whichever comes first).

--Ken Whistler


New changes in the data files since the July 31 drop are as


   Added header section with information about the file and
   its format.


   This is a new data file, now included in the Unicode Character
   Database by UTC mandate.


   Dropped "U+" from code values, for consistency with other
   data files. Removed semicolon before name comments, for
   consistency with other data files. Added header section with
   information about the file and its format. (There were no
   *technical* changes to the file's contents, but you may need
   to check your parsers if you are parsing this file.)


   This is a new data file, now included in the Unicode Character
   Database by UTC mandate. This file contains many test cases
   to check conformance to UAX #15 Unicode Normalization Forms.


   Updated ReadMe file for the 3.0.1 update directory.


   This documentation file is now updated to reflect the addition
   for new data files for Unicode 3.0.1.


   Minor documentation updates since the first beta posting.

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