I'm still functioning under the assumption that no one has examined Lakota 
orthography in the context of Unicode. I hope I'm wrong, because I'm way 
over my head here, but if I'm right, I've learned enough from this list to 
want to point my correspondent in the right direction.

Two specific questions:

1. The glottal stop has been rendered as both U+0027 (perhaps a typewriter 
version of what is now U+02BC) and U+02C0. I get the impression that U+0027 
is more common, but it makes more sense to me to use U+02C0. But I 
understand that, although it is outside the scope of Unicode, IPA glyph 
shapes are normative, so a glyph variant of U+02C0 that looked like U+0027 
would probably be Not a Good Thing. Should I go with U+02BC?

2. Vowels are nasalized with what appears to be a superscript Greek lower 
case "eta". I assume that using U+03B7 is not a good idea. I may have 
overlooked "LATIN SMALL LETTER SUPERSCRIPT ETA" or some such; if not, what 
is a good alternative approach?

Curtis Clark                  http://www.csupomona.edu/~jcclark/
Biological Sciences Department             Voice: (909) 869-4062
California State Polytechnic University      FAX: (909) 869-4078
Pomona CA 91768-4032  USA                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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