"Gary P. Grosso" skreiv:
> Hi Unicoders,

> Is there some way I can nudge Netscape's browser to display these?

An amateur's explanation of what can be done to make the HTML code
'understandable' to Netscape Navigator 4, without actually encoding in

-Meta tag the document as UTF-8

-Encode characters beyond U+00FF as decimal NCRs (è). [Entities
(è) can also be used in characters for which they are defined.]
Be aware that hexadecimal NCRs (è) will not work.


> Is there a better way to write this admittedly mongrel HTML content?
> I have heard somewhere that it is possible to change charset choice
> "on the fly" and if would work, I would appreciate a pointer to
> somewhere that says how best to do this.
> Thanks in advance for any insights.
> ---
> Gary Grosso
> Arbortext, Inc.
> Ann Arbor, MI, USA

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                              Avdeling for teknologi
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