Well, I am now in the middle of that unusual situation where many people on
this list have been from time to time, where:

1) I have no actual expertise on a particular subtopic
2) I therefore rely on various SMEs (subject matter experts) on that
3) The SMEs do not agree

But I will forward this all on and see if maybe some understanding of
justifications can be reached. Outright agreement or conversion of opinions
does seem unlikely, however. :-(


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----- Original Message -----
From: "Roozbeh Pournader" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Michael (michka) Kaplan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2000 8:08 AM
Subject: Re: lag time in Unicode implementations in OS, etc?

> On Tue, 3 Oct 2000, Michael (michka) Kaplan wrote:
> > My understanding is that this was done? Before my time at UTC meetings,
> > you, so this is all hearsay (as is my knowledge of Farsi conventions,
> > comes from three entirely different sources that also do not agree on
> > everything!).
> I would like to be able to contact your sources, and see if the reason
> behind their recommendation of using slash instead of momayyez has not
> been because of the lack of right support for momayyez.
> --roozbeh

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