I would sooner rip my lungs out  then speak ill of a much needed technology,
but one drawback to Cheops is that *all* Unicode Win32 API calls go through
Cheops, even when you are running on NT4 or Windows 2000. At least that was
true in the version they were promoting at the last Unicode conference.

How significant this drawback truly is would depend on the application in


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----- Original Message -----
To: "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2000 4:32 PM
Subject: Re: A binary that runs on Win9X and WinNT

> Basis Technology's "Cheops" product (
> http://www.basistech.com/products/Cheops.html ) does exactly this, and
> it admirably.  We managed to get our 5 million+ line C++ tool suite up and
> running under Win95/98 as a Unicode MFC application using Cheops with only
> makefile changes - no source modifications.
> It won't give you Unicode functionality under Win9x as MS Office does, but
> it will allow you to continue to support Win9x platforms while providing
> full Unicode support on NT/2000.
> --
> Toby Phipps
> PeopleTools Product Manager - Globalization
> PeopleSoft, Inc.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]  +1-925-694-9525
>                     "Lars Marius
>                     Garshol"              To:     "Unicode List"
>                     <larsga@garsho        cc:
>                     l.priv.no>            Subject:     Re: A binary that
runs on Win9X and WinNT

>                     10/11/2000
>                     01:19 PM
> * Lars Marius Garshol
> |
> | We have considered implementing compatibility versions of the
> | wide-string functions that basically map to code-paged text, but
> | this seems like an awful lot of work and in any case it seems
> | basically incredible that nobody has done this before.
> * Michael Kaplan
> |
> | Microsoft has a white paper on writing a Unicode app for all
> | platforms, see the articles section on
> | http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/ for details.
> This white paper describes the solution that we have already
> considered and are hoping to avoid.  Such a set of hand-written
> wrapper functions around the Win32 API functions must have been
> written dozens of times already?  Doesn't someone offer this as a
> product somewhere?
> (Of course, since Microsoft themselves must have solved this problem
> for their own applications, why on earth do they not make the solution
> available?)
> --Lars M.

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