On Wed, 18 Oct 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jon Babcock wrote:
> > It seems to me that if not for that, how could anyone
> > make a Chinese font? Who is going to sit down and
> > draw a *myriad* or more characters? Since elements
> > recur, this reduces the amount of labour required
> > greatly.
> I too would have bet that all CJK foundries used some form of (automatic?)
> composition to build their fonts.
> But, after a few enquiries, it seem that they don't (or they do, but
> zealously guard the secret).
> _ Marco
                                            Wednesday, October 18, 2000
If I had to make a guess it would be that transforming the glyphs of parts
of characters so they will fit together in a pleasing fashion would take
about as much effort (or more) than designing separate glyphs for each new
          Jim Agenbroad ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )
     The above are purely personal opinions, not necessarily the official
views of any government or any agency of any.
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