David Starner continued:

> On Thu, Oct 19, 2000 at 02:19:07PM -0800, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> > David Starner asked:
> > 
> > > Where do we find the information on how to use these characters? 
> > 
> > First of all, everyone should take a deep breath and read the caveats
> > carefully. The characters listed in these charts are not yet standardized.
> True. But the caveat says it's for "implementors and font vendors to prepare", 
> and as both of those in my spare time (the GNU Unifont and Ngeadal projects),
> I need more information to make use of this, like which of the new scripts
> need complex shaping and what the new control characters do.

None of the new scripts need complex shaping. The new scripts are the
4 Philippine scripts. And while those are, ultimately, Brahmi-derived,
they do not have complex shaping rules.

The new format control characters will be explained in the documentation.
If you need preliminary information, then search the recent unicode
email archives for WORD JOINER and VARIATION SELECTOR, etc.

> > The current plan is that Unicode 3.2 will be published as a Unicode
> > Standard Annex (a type of Unicode Technical Report) -- probably about
> > a year (or optimistically 8-9 months) after we publish Unicode 3.1
> > as a Unicode Standard Annex (next spring). Information about the new
> > characters will be included in that Unicode Standard Annex.
> Okay, that had me confused. I had inferred (incorrectly, as it turns
> out) that 3.2 was the successor to 3.0.1. Can we find the corresponding
> charts for 3.1 anywhere?

Not yet on the Unicode server, but we are working on them. They will
be rolled into the standard charts as we get ready to roll out the
beta for Unicode 3.1.

> For some reason, I seem to get the feeling
> that 3.1 only has astral plane additions and 3.2 only has basic plane
> additions. Correct?



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