À 15:43 2000-12-01 -0800, Sarasvati a écrit:
>Topicality was moderately disregarded in message UMLSEQ:17099
>when Monsieur LaBonte saw fit to regale us with the once-cute
>"Revocation" that has been making the rounds so much lately
>over there in the Colonies... 'Leven Digit Boy predictably,
>compounded the digression (which Monsieur LaBonte should have
>known better than to start in the first place) by quoting the
>missive in toto with one off-color comment embedded (in

Question: Who is this Mr. LaBonte to distort my name like this on a list 
dedicated to characters of the world? He is not very serious indeed to care 
about universal characters then... He should know about his roots if he 
wrote his name like this.


Alain LaBonté

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