----- Forwarded by Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT on 12/11/2000 07:52 AM
|        |          sreekant          |
|        |          <sreekant@netesolu|
|        |          tions.com>        |
|        |                            |
|        |          12/08/2000 10:58  |
|        |          PM                |
|        |                            |
  |       To:     Peter Constable/IntlAdmin/WCT@SIL                                    
  |       cc:                                                                          
  |       Subject:     your guidance                                                   


 I am working on an assignment(site builder) and am supposed to make it
unicode compatible.

I have also downloaded WEFT and it is working well for some indian

My site is on the server and I give an option to the user to enter
characters in his language in a text area of a html page. Now how should

I store,save and reflect this data on the html page?

Let us assume that the user enters some characters (in his language) in
a text area of a html page and submits to the server by using some
editor . My question is how should my server catch them,store them and
display them back not only to THIS  user but to all users who access his


I request your guidance in this behalf.

Thanks and regards,
Sreekanth Devarakonda

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