At Tue, 2 Jan 2001 09:43:18 -0800 (GMT-0800), Antoine Leca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>- a living language, as opposed to a dead one, should evolve (this is
>  exactly the problem French is currently having, by the way); trying
>  to stick with a past reference is going exactly backwards; Esperanto
>  showed us that a fossilized language cannot aim at being lingua franca

I don't see why Esperanto is a 'fossilized language'. KDE has almost been 
completely translated into it, showing that Esperanto can handle the computer 
terminology. From what I've seen, Esperanto picks up new terminology whenever 
it's needed.  It has evolved as needed by the community.

I don't think linguist causes can be blamed for Esperanto's failure; the 
sociological causes are much more apparent.

David Starner - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ([EMAIL PROTECTED] off vacation)

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