Has anybody played devil's advocate to this, with a list of "Failings of
Unicode"? Are there any? :-) This question might in fact result in a
longer Benefits list ....

> Tex Texin wrote:
> I was asked to produce a list of the benefits of Unicode to be used
> as a sidebar with an article referencing Unicode.
> Ideally, it would be a brief set of bullets for an audience that
> doesn't know a lot about internationalization. The bullets shouldnt
> be too detailed or technical.
> I came up with the attached table. I think with some minor amendments
> I can drop the left column now and just use the benefits with
> examples.
> I have until Monday morning to turn it in, so I thought I'd ask
> for some review.
> Anything missing? Any constructive suggestions, gratefully
> appreciated.
> tex
>     ---------------------------------------------------------------
>                           Benefits of Unicode
>              Unicode
>            Properties          Benefits           Example
>         All the                               Invoice or
>         characters of     Multi-lingual       ticketing
>         all the           documents: use any  applications can
>         languages you     or all the          print native
>         might ever need   languages you want  language names
>                           Reduced
>                           development and
>         Defines one set   support costs and   Sales to
>         of algorithms     reduced             multiple
>         for processing    time-to-market,     countries the
>         text              with one version    day of initial
>                           of source code      release
>                           that works
>                           world-wide
>                                               Any applications
>                                               reading the same
>         An ISO standard   Standards insure    text file will
>                           interoperability
>                                               interpret it
>                                               correctly
>                                               Text sent from
>         Accepted          Worldwide           any part of the
>         globally          deployment          world to any
>                           capability
>                                               other part
>         Supported by                          Applications can
>         most, if not all  Ease of             exchange text
>         modern            integration         without
>         technologies                          conversion loss
>                                               or errors
>                                               XML, the format
>                                               for structured
>         Web standards                         documents and
>         are based on it   Internet-readiness  data on the Web
>                                               is
>                                               Unicode-based
>                                               Unicode Version
>                                               3.0 added
>                                               25,000+
>                           Evolution extends   characters and
>         Undergoes         application         new technical
>         continuous        lifetime and        specifications
>         development       expands             that improved,
>                           capabilities to
>                           meet future needs   for
>                                               example, Middle
>                                               Eastern language
>                                               support.

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