>I think I see now what Sam meant: if you save the file as "Text Only",
>fraction "¼" is actually converted to "1/4".

>I don't know the reason this strange behavior, considering that the "Text
>Only" character set on my system is Latin-1, which could accommodate "¼"

Yes this is the problem I've encountered, also to make matters worse I'm
trying to extract the Unicode within a macro which saves a textual file.
This seemingly can only use the calls that apply textural conversions.

This problem occurs not just with vulgar fractions but also with the
following, there are also others in ranges above Ux00FF

character | UNICODE | converted to 
"       84      22      
...     85      2E 2E 2E        
'       91      27      
'       92      27      
"       93      22      
"       94      22      
-       96      2D      
-       97      2D      
(tm)    99      28 74 6D 29     (tm)
        A0      20      
©       A9      28 63 29        (c)
«       AB      22      
®       AE      28 22 29        (r)
»       BB      22      
¼       BC      31 2F 34        1/4
½       BD      31 2F 32        1/2
¾       BE      33 2F 34        3/4

You are write as to the fact that saving a file as "Encoded Text": only
"Unicode" maintains these values but doing this from a macro does not seem
easy as yet.

Sam Chapman

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