Dear Uni-cadets --

Thanks to all of you for your input.

Over the years, there have been two features
that are requested time and again by users:

1. digest mode
2. tags in the subject line.

Both of these features are available in
"Listar", the new mail list software, and so
I have enabled them.  Some users have complained
about feature (2), others find it useful, and
some don't care.

Historically, I have been responsive to
the opinions of subscribers.  But I do sometimes
tire of being battered with complaints about
how the mail list software works.  There are
nearly 700 subscribers to this list, and not
all of them will be pleased by any particular
configuration of the list.  It is a free
service, provided as-is.  Nobody is required
to subscribe, nor is the moderator required
to implement subscriber opinion, especially
when it is phrased in a venomous manner that
casts aspersions on Sarasvati or whomever.

One user quoted my offer to put feature (2)
to a vote, but neglected to quote the other part
of my note, which mentioned that this feature
is often requested, and failed to mention also
I said that I am experimenting with this

As for the "who" command to list the subscribers...

First let me say that the Listar documentation
of the configuration options is rather vague,
and I have not had time to read the source code.
Therefore, mistakenly, I had set the option for
the "who" command such that the subscriber list
was visible to subscribers (this was called the
"private" option setting).  I have subsequently
changed this so that only I can see the subscribers.
The subscriber list has never been available to
non-subscribers (assuming the product is not buggy).

Lastly, I would like to commend the majority of
subscribers for not becoming involved in the recent

With cheery regards as usual, I remain your,

        -- Sarasvati

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