On Wed, 4 Apr 2001, Marco Cimarosti wrote:

>       U+20A3 (FRENCH FRANC SIGN), U+20A4 (LIRA SIGN), U+20A7 (PESETA
> SIGN), U+20AF (DRACHMA SIGN): will disappear next year with euro. Moreover,
> Franc and Lira are obsolete symbols ("FF" and "Lit" are now more common).

The drachma sign too; I lived in Greece from 1979 to 1983, and never saw
anything but delta chi rho, unligatured, for drachma. I've been wondering
for a fair while what it's doing there...

Momenton senpretende paseman mi retenis kaj  #  NICK NICHOLAS.
   kultis kvazaux                           #   TLG, UCI, USA.
      senhorlogxan elizeon                 #   www.opoudjis.net
         (Dume:                           #    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
[Victor Sadler, _Memkritiko_ 90]         #

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