
III.  Procedure for Encoding New Characters and Scripts

SC 2/WG 2 Evaluation Procedure)
Rule 1. Says: Do not encode
a) If the proposed character is a (shape or other) variation of a character already encoded in ISO/IEC 10646 ... , or
b) If the proposed character is a presentation form (glyph), variant, or ligature.
But there is a whole block of Arabic presentation forms-A FB50-FDFF and Arabic presentation forms-B FE70-FEFF with glyphs and ligatures (contradiction to item b).
Besides, there are letters which are variants of each other like Pashto letter Gaf 06AB (Arabic Letter Kaf with Ring) and 06AF (Arabic Letter Gaf). You can see in Pashto text either the first one (rather seldom) or the second one (normally), but not both at the same time (xoring attitude). That contradicts item a).
Was such encoding done due to some historical reasons in the past?
Could there be exceptions in the future in similar cases?
Thank you,
Vladimir Ivanov, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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