
I am currently working on xIUA.  This is sample code that you can integrate
into you application to help you interface to ICU.

It has added functionality specifically tailored for Web servers.  It will
allow you to develop application Unicode that will dynamically switch
between code page, UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 with the same object code.  It
also has special Web support functions such as routines to find locale names
in paths or process the accept language values.  It even has a couple of
special Apache features such as running as an Apaches extension and
optionally providing mime services that will override mod_mime with a
directory path based language selection system.

With this code you can provide utf-8 to 5.0 and above browsers and code page
to older browsers with the same code.

It also provides a cross platform thread safe locale manager that makes
converting existing code to use multiple locales easy.  It even has limited
multiple locale support.  I can have one locale for my HTML pages such as
"ja_JP.EUC-JP" and my browser might use "ja_JP.Shift_JIS".  One call
converts the data.  If the browser uses "ja_JP.UTF-8" the same call converts
it properly.  If the browser is using "ja_JP.EUC-JP" then the data is just

The xIUA code is free open source code that I developed pro-bono to help
people convert to Unicode.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Magda Danish (Unicode)
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 10:34 AM
> Subject: FW: Unicode in Asia Question
> -----Original Message-----
> From: NORIEGA,DANNY (A-HongKong,ex1) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 2:56 AM
> Subject: Unicode in Asia Question
> Hi:
> My company is planning to implement 16-bit Unicode.  The proposal is to
> go strictly and solely with Unicode (16 bit Unicode for Asia/Japan).
> Up to this point we have specified the following encodings:
> - Big 5 (Traditional Chinese)
> - GB 2312 (Simplified Chinese)
> - Shift - JIS (Japanese)
> - KSC 5601 1967 (Korean)
> - Iso-8859-1 (Western character sets)
> - Unicode (we believe this is used for Russian)
> I do not fully understand the need for the various encodings.  I believe
> there are local preferences for browsers (vendors, versions, plugins,
> etc.) that are related to encoding. I have also heard there is some
> need, in Japan for example, where web users routinely view the HTML
> source and expect Shift-JIS.
> Can you confirm what browser preferences (encoding driven) are user
> musts? By this I mean IE 4.0+, Netscape, Mosiac, KK Man & etc..  And,
> what are the customer needs that would make an specific encoding
> (Unicode, Big 5, GB 2312 or KSC 5601 1967) a must?
> The basic question I'm trying to answer is if we move forward with using
> strictly Unicode, will my customers in Asia be adversely affected by
> this decsion?  Will they not be able to view content I place on my
> website.
> Best regards,
> Danny Noriega
> Asia eBusiness Manager
> Agilent Technologies Hong Kong Ltd.

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