There are lots of examples out there, but mostly in legacy encodings.
If you need one in an UTF, just convert it yourself (and make sure
you change or remove 'encoding="euc-jp"').
XML mandates that every processor (the receiving end) understands
UTF-8 and UTF-16, but documents can be in other encodings.

Regards,   Martin.

At 18:13 01/08/29 +1000, Viranga Ratnaike wrote:
>         I was hunting for examples of japanese xml and came across the
>         following, which looks rather cool.  Except that it doesn't seem
>         to actually be unicode.  I thought XML had mandated unicode?
>         Are there other documents like this, but with the underlying
>         encoding being one of the UTFs ?  I'd love to test my software on
>         data which has japanese in the element names as well as the PCDATA.
>         Viranga

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