Misha Wolf wrote:
> IMO, I correctly replied to Viranga's question and I've
> no idea what you're talking about below.

Viranga's short question was: "Is it ok for Unicode code points to be
encoded/serialized using EUC?"

My (Marco's) short answer was: "EUC size simply doesn't fit Unicode."

Your (Misha's) short answer was: "Yes, it is OK for Unicode code points to
be encoded using EUC."

If we are all talking about the same Unicode and the same EUC, and we all
use the same logic, then your short reply is plain wrong.

If we are talking about different Unicodes or different EUC's, or we use
different models of logic thought, then sorry for the misunderstanding.

For the sake of precision, I will define my terms and logic:

- My "Unicode" is an encoding standard described in
<http://www.unicode.org>, which encompasses about 1,000,000 codes.

- My "EUC" is an encoding scheme described in
<http://czyborra.com/utf/#EUC>, which allows about 8,000 codes.

- In my logic, one million things cannot be identified by eight thousands

_ Marco

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