From: "David Starner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Frankly, the attitude of "Forget all the stuff that you have working;
> just throw it all away and move to Unicode" is not one that wins many
> converts. Backward compatibility and the ability to interface with
> other systems running different stuff is always useful. This is
> especially bad, as the Japanese community is one of the major bodies
> of anti-Unicode setiment.

You misunderstand me, David.

Every computer system has their own conversion from JIS to Unicode. My
suggestion is to do that conversion THERE, on that machine. And from then on
be in the one "code page" that does not change its mind what it means, after
the fact.

In other words, keep backwards compatibility in the backwoods, where it
belongs. For the SHARED data across to other machines, using the encoding
that you have a chance with?


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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