So, do I use ra, ri, ru, re, ro, or do I use la, li, lu, le, lo?

Well, I guess what you say is true,
I could never be the right kind of girl for you,
I could never be your woman
                      - White Town

--- Original Message ---
差出人: "Daniel Yacob,,," <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
日時: 01/09/07 2:13
件名: Grand Unified Syllabary Project Opens

>The Grand Unified Syllabary project has the primary objective
>to map the natural (non-composition based) syllabaries of
>Unicode onto a common linguistic frame of reference. The target
>frame of reference is a CVCT table (consonant-vowel-consonant-tone)
>applying IPA rules for the phonemic mapping of the symbols.
>Such a table that defined the component properties of syllables,
>it is assumed, would serve as a reference for:
>  *  syllabic character classes
>  *  regular expression languages
>  *  transliteration between syllabaries and other writing systems
>  *  phonetic based and script independent input methods
>GUS furthers the development of "Syllables.txt" data file
>introduced with Perl 5.6.  Orthography experts are still in great
>need for the Yi, Canadian Aboriginal, Cherokee, Katakana and
>Hiragana syllabaries.
>More information, and an development email list can be found on
>the project homepage:

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