Well, I guess what you say is true,
I could never be the right kind of girl for you,
I could never be your woman
                      - White Town

--- Original Message ---
差出人: Rick McGowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
日時: 01/09/15 4:39
件名: Re: The byte

>> The existence of the byte sucks.
>Well, I suggest therefore that you do Civilizaton a favor and incidentally  
>leave your indelible Mark on History by devoting every waking moment of the  
>rest of your life to stamping out the accursed byte.
>       Rick

Computers do math in binary. It does not matter that few but the programmers use 
binary (hex, etc.); they use their own system.

There exists a programming language (I forget the name) which addresses booleans 
directly. Make your Unicode string out of chunks of 21 booleans.

Me trying to stamp out the 8-bit byte would be like trying to reform English spelling: 
a noble, futile aim.

(P.S. Any dictionary makers out there, why not collate English words by their 
pronunciation, starting with the last phoneme (for rhyming)?)

UTF-21 is a good idea, right?
1114111 is a weird number. Or is it 1114112?
I think it is 1114112. (Numbers are hard to type. So I typed it in hiragana in my IME 
and told it to give me digits.)(It is a very good trick for large numbers.)


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