bascillay GB18030 is design to encode All Unicode BMP in a encoding which is
backward compatable with GB2312 and GBK.

The birth of GB18030 is because those characters which are encoded unicode
but not encoded in GB2312 neither GBK.

Thierry Sourbier wrote:

> Charlie,
> > In what ways will this effect Unicode?
> >
> > Does it contain anything that Unicode doesn't?
> I suggest that you take a look at Markus Scherer paper "GB 18030: A
> mega-codepage"
> It will probably answer your question on the relationship between GB18030
> and Unicode.
> Cheers,
> Thierry.
> <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
> - Open Internationalization Resources Directory

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