At 05:11 PM 10/23/01 -0500, G. Adam Stanislav wrote:
>BTW, the Slovak name of caron is "makcen" (with two dots over the a,
>and caron over the c and n). It literally means softener. The word
>"hacek" used by Unicode is a Czech word (with an acute over the a
>and a caron over the c) and means little hook which refers to the v
>shaped one variety only (while makcen refers to either as it
>describes its function, not its looks).

And the origin of the word "caron" is shrouded in the mysteries of
time (and the vagaries of early SC2/WG3 work on naming characters...).
Neither on-line nor live searches in libraries have ever turned up
any mention of 'caron' in descriptions of letter forms - other than
references to 8859, 10646 or Unicode (and their derivatives). We(*) seem
to have coined a novel word.


(*) more correctly - our predecessors in SC2/WG3

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