Michael Everson responded:

> At 08:25 -0400 2001-10-09, From Net Link wrote:
> >I think the arithmetic set of symbols should be extended with more 
> >parenthesis.
> Provide data regarding the use of such parentheses and propose them.

Actually quite a collection of math brackets are currently under
ballot and will be included in Unicode 3.2 in the near future:

white curly brackets
white parentheses
z notation image brackets
z notation binding brackets
square brackets with underbar
square brackets with tick in (top/bottom) corners
angle brackets with dot
black tortoise shell brackets

See the online preview of the Unicode 3.2 charts for details:


Look in particular at the Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B

Slightly further out on the horizon, the UTC has voted to
disunify some of the CJK brackets, so there will be cloned
versions of those appropriate for use in math, as well.

And fourteen "hidden" dingbat brackets from the Adobe Zapf Dingbats
have been added and are under ballot now, too.

So soon there will surely be enough brackets to go around for
anybody's proposed syntaxes!


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