A 10:17 2001-11-30 +0100, Thierry Sourbier a écrit :
>To comment on a previous remarks made in the thread:
> > Alain LaBonté wrote:
> > it is true that there has always been a usage for unaccented uppercase
> > initials of sentences (or proper names), on both sides of the Atlantic
> > indeed, and for consistent accentuation, regardless of case.
>While I'm not disagreing with the previous comment, we can note that on
>www.larouse.net, accents are used even on the first letter of the sentences
>(e.g. "À la fois plate-forme de diffusion...."). I could not find any
>documentation confirming/restricting such a use. I don't even want to think
>on how such a usage could be computerized :).

[Alain]  I said in the remaining of the article that one had to observe the 
articles in main French dictionaries. I should have given the consluion: 
all entries headings are in capital letters, of course with full-fledged 
accented letters everywhere a word has an accent...

    Another place to look in Paris: even the august stone building of the 
ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE shows an accent.

    And I was personally witness that the PALAIS DES CONGRES had to put a 
stainless steel grave accent in 1991 (if my memory is good) to become, from 
a palace for fish, a real PALAIS DES CONGRÈS... I guess many were insulted 
to be considered as fish when they were going to marketing exhibitions...


Alain LaBonté.

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