-----Original Message-----
From: Folkert Tijdens [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 12, 2001 7:58 AM
Cc: Dennis Lardenoye
Subject: Mapping ISO-IR-159 (JIS X 0212:1990) to Unicode

Dear Unicode Consortium,

In order to correctly implement a medical system we need to convert 
textual information such as the patient name from a medical DICOM 
file, coded as ISO-IR-159 (JIS X 0212:1990) into Unicode on a Microsoft 
Windows-NT platform.

We are searching for an authoritative mapping table, in order to 
correctly map these two character sets onto each other.

Can you help us to obtain this table?

Folkert Tijdens

Folkert Tijdens, Project Manager
Pie Medical Imaging, Becanusstraat 13D01
6216 BX Maastricht, The Netherlands
phone: +31(43)3281325
fax:   +31(43)3281329

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