From: "Richard ÄOepas" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Plain 8bit headers are not default Outlook/Outlook setting
> for mail. But people tend to use it as Outlook/OE allows
> this (unfortunately) without knowing consequences.

Piece of MS Misinformation (tm) #1: Outlook Express usually happens to work,
*except* in the list of e-mails. It is only Outlook that never seems to work
here (i.e. looks fine when you are about to send but looks bad once sent, in
all views).

> I heard rumours that Exchange server may just discard a
> message if it founds these non-standard eight bit bytes in
> From: header.

Piece of MS Misinformation (tm) #2: Messages are not discarded by Exchange
Server in the From:, To:, CC:, BCC:, or Subect lines for the awful crime of
non-ASCII headers. You might just see question marks on the other end,

We could argue over which behavior is worse (always converting the header
using the clients and the server code page vs. just sending the bytes on and
mis-displaying them in the list of e-mails but having them look fine when
you open the e-mail).

But lets not make the situation worse than it actually is -- MS bashing is
much more effective when its accurate, don't you think? :-)


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.  --

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