I wrote:

> Vowel marks appearing to the left of the
> consonants are pronounced before them; those to the right, after them.

This leads to an interesting, if so far theoretical, Unicode question:
how to encode abjads and abugidas that have vowel signs which are
pronounced *before* the base consonant.  Two Unicode principles,
logical order and base-before-combining, are thus put into conflict.

In (Feanorian) Tengwar itself, the reading order is actually
language-dependent: thus "Quenya" (a Quenya word) is written
QU-e-N-y-a (where caps are base, smalls are combining), but
"Sindarin" (a Sindarin word) would be "S-N-i-D-R-a-N-i", if written with
base-before-combining, or "S-i-N-D-a-R-i-N" if written with logical order,
in which case the default grapheme clusters have to be broken up using
complex rendering code in order to get i over N and a over R.

The problem could be sidestepped with a grapheme-cluster encoding such as
is used for Ethiopic, but the feel is very different: Ethiopic vowel
signs are normally treated as part of the letter, whereas Tengwar
vowel signs are more like typical abjad signs: partly optional
indications of "colorings" to the fundamental consonant structure.

Unicode tribal elders are invited to mention which of the two conflicting
principles they reckon to be the more important.

John Cowan           http://www.ccil.org/~cowan              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Please leave your values        |       Check your assumptions.  In fact,
   at the front desk.           |          check your assumptions at the door.
     --sign in Paris hotel      |            --Miles Vorkosigan

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