On Sun, 6 Jan 2002, James Kass wrote:

> Michael Everson wrote,
> > I was unable to find  http://www.thelordoftherings.com and therefore
> > could not see any Tengwar links. Is this the right address?
> Yes, it's right.  Here's the direct link to their Tengwar links page:
> http://www.thelordoftherings.com/tengwar/

I can't find the beginning of this thread now, but that's not New Line
Cinema's official site (lordoftherings.net).  I spent a few minutes with
whois and found a number of similar domain names, with or without
preceding "the", followed by an optional "-movie" or "movie", and under
".com", ".net", or ".org".  That's even more confusing than the
unicode.com imposter...

Thomas Chan

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