I deleted the capital letter from the subject -
it may activate spam filters somewhere :)

On Fri, 25 Jan 2002, Bernard Miller wrote:
> Hello Unicode list members,
> Unicode now has a serious competitor. Please read
> about it at www.bytext.org. Everyone on this list
> should find it extremely interesting.

I don't think it is too difficult to write a
standrad that is better than Unicode. In fact it
is more difficult to write one that is worse ;)

However, what makes Unicode a good is:
o It has industrial support.
o A lot of scripts are supported and documented.

> I guess this means that many of you are now officially
> my colleagues. After following this list and reading
> various things you've written you all seem very
> friendly and intelligent. I look forward to future
> conversations between us.

I am interested. I just don't think big industrial
players will let this go. I hope time will prove I
am wrong.


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