In a message dated 2002-02-06 3:39:14 Pacific Standard Time, 

> "ISO" keyboards have the section-sign (§) key, next to the 1 key 
> above the tab key on the left of the keyboards. Some US keyboards 
> (for instance the Mac PowerBook G3) don't have this key, but instead 
> have the grave key there, while on the "ISO" keyboard the grave key 
> is down next to the z.

My draft copy of ISO/IEC 9995-3, acquired from:

shows SECTION SIGN on key C02, level 2 of the common secondary group, and 
GRAVE ACCENT on key C12, level 1 on both the complementary Latin and common 
secondary groups.  (Note that C12 is frequently relocated to B00, down next 
to the 'z' as you indicated.)

In the complementary Latin group, key E00 is ASTERISK (level 1) and PLUS SIGN 
(level 2), while in the common secondary group it is NOT SIGN (level 1) and 
SOFT HYPHEN (level 2).

Which "ISO" keyboard are you referring to?  I'm not trying to be 
argumentative; I just got done implementing a lot of keyboards, and none of 
them had SECTION SIGN on key E00, so I'm curious.

For those unfamiliar with ISO 9995 terminology, please refer to the above 
document as well as:

and John Cowan's explanation from yesterday.

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California
 (address will soon change to dewell at adelphia dot net)

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