At 11:54 AM -0700 2/6/02, John H. Jenkins wrote:

>Right, but right now is that people are typing things like www.whitehouse.
>com instead of (or, for that matter, 
>  How likely is it that someone will accidentally 
>type www.s? instead of

Somebody could easily follow a link to such a site, possibly through 
a pop-up or some spyware installed on their system, and never realize 
they weren't at the actual site.

Security and spoofing are very real issues that were never, as far as 
I know, even considered in the design of Unicode. It's unclear 
whether or not the problem can be fixed now. The Unicode community 
has been in serious denial about this for some time. That other 
technologies also have or contribute to these problems in no way 
absolves Unicode of its problems.

| Elliotte Rusty Harold | [EMAIL PROTECTED] | Writer/Programmer |
|          The XML Bible, 2nd Edition (Hungry Minds, 2001)           |
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