The thing bother me is the GB18030 defined the mapping from that GB18030 code point to a private use area but it also print a glyph in that mapping. Since those unicode code point are in private user area, it is not good to print a glyph there in the standard. Do we NEED to display those code point AS what it print on the GB18030?

By printing a glyph for those character in the GB18030, it really DEFINED what those characters should be in Unicode- which I think is not the right thing to do for GB standard body. Is that a error or not? (by printing the glyph in the standard)

Qingjiang (Brian) Yuan wrote:
Yung-Fong Tang wrote:

I have additional question about GB18030

the following code point in GB18030 are map to Private Usaer Araea in
Unicode but have a glyph in the GB18030 standard. What does that mean ?

It means those characters/symbols are not in Unicode 3.0.
The following are the Characters that are not in Unicode 3.0 according
to the CESI:
Unicode (Private Use Area)
A8BC		  E7C7

FE51            E816
FE52 E817
FE53 E818
FE59 E81E
FE61 E826
FE66 E82B
FE67 E82C
FE6C E831
FE6D E832
FE76 E83B
FE7E E843
FE90 E854
FE91 E855
FEA0 E864

But looks like there are more symbols that are not in Unicode 3.0.


page 11 of GB18030
0xA6D9 - 0xA6DF

page 81 of GB18030

0xFE50 - 0xFEA0


Qingjiang (Brian) Yuan wrote:

Frank and Deborah,
After I saw the e-mail from Deborah, I asked our Beijing office to
contact the CESI. The follow is the information we got:

Have contacted with CESI. It is really a glyph bug. They have fixed it,
but they did not notify us!

CESI will not give us the updated fonts until tomorrow morning. It was
said that there are serial glyph have been updated in the new version of
the bitmap fonts.


Yung-Fong Tang Wrote:

I looks like both Mac/Linux/Window N6.2 and current Mozilla map that to
FFE3. Looks like IE on winXP do the same way.

We, mozilla i18n group, got the GB18030 mapping table from sun. B Yuan,
any comment?

Michael Everson wrote:

At 11:23 -0800 2002-02-01, Deborah Goldsmith wrote:

There is an error on page 10 of the GB 18030-2000 standard, in that
the character with code point A3FE maps to U+FFE3 (FULLWIDTH MACRON),
but is shown with a glyph that corresponds to U+FF5E (FULLWIDTH
TILDE). The position of the character in its code block would also
seem to indicate that tilde was intended.

Does anyone have any idea of which should be considered correct, the
glyph or the Unicode mapping value?

Glyphs are informative in JTC1. I can only assume that the GB
standards would follow suit.

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