At 15:08 +0100 2002.02.23, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

>On 02/22/2002 05:26:53 PM Yaap Raaf wrote:
>>I've also been looking at Tavultesoft's Keyman, but there are no
>>readymade keyboards available for the purpose. I don't know
>>how complicated it is to develop one.
>For simple behaviours, it can be quite easy; e.g. if you just need to 
>assign Devanagari characters to keys on a US keyboard without any 
>additional behaviour considerations, there's a wizard with a visual UI 
>that you can use. If you need, though, you can create fairly sophisticated 
>input methods. How difficult it is depends on how complex the required 
>behaviour is, but the learning curve is **far** less than learning to 
>program in C or to use the Windows DDK.

Thanks Peter, I had hoped for your response as you are the 
Keyman specialist here.  A few others responding off list were of 
the same opinion. So, no aksharmala, but Keyman. 

Now I have one more question, related with the next:

 # X-UML-Sequence: 13313 (2000-04-17 20:30:54 GMT)
 # X-Nutritional-Content-Warning: Message body contains 53% quoted lines
 # From: Deborah Goldsmith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 # To: "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 # Cc: Marco Piovanelli <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 # Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000 12:30:53 -0800 (GMT-0800)
 # Subject: Re: How to create Unicode input methods for MacOS? (long)
 # [.............]
 # [.............]
 # Our 'uchr' resources are created using an assembler. It's the 
 # only tool we are aware of that can fill in the offsets the 'uchr' 
 # data structure contains. We don't have a custom 'uchr' editing 
 # tool at this point (we would love to have one...).

If a such a comparison could be made, does the Keyman wizard 
represent the kind of 'intelligence' of the assembler, or is there 
a fundamental difference between Windows and Mac systems that 
makes keyboard editing on Windows less difficult than it is for the 
Mac in the case of 'uchr'? What's the difference? 

It may be clear I don't know an assembler from a wizard, but I'm
just amazed about the 'problem' at Apple and the (seemingly) 
simple solution for Windows in this regard. 



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