On 02/26/2002 10:37:53 AM Mark Crispin wrote:

>I can think of a number of three-letter codes which, although innocently
>derived, would be sensitive if it's on someone's passport.  In the case 
>Romanians and Gypsies, you have two very different peoples, each with a 
>sense of identity, who do not want to be confused with the other.

There is a point of view that says that *all* such identifiers (for 
countries, languages, etc.) should just be randomly generated strings for 
the kind of reasons mentioned. (Not that I'm arguing for that.)

- Peter

Peter Constable

Non-Roman Script Initiative, SIL International
7500 W. Camp Wisdom Rd., Dallas, TX 75236, USA
Tel: +1 972 708 7485

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