At 07:57 -0700 2002-06-03, John H. Jenkins wrote:
>On Wednesday, March 6, 2002, at 05:40 AM, Charlie Jolly wrote:
>>Just interested in cross-platform issues.
>>Is it possible to produce one OpenType font for a complex script e.g. Hindi
>>that works with Uniscribe on Windows and ATSUI on the Mac? Or does the Mac
>>version need to be geared towards AAT?
>ATSUI uses AAT.  There is no technical reason why a font cannot 
>contain both the data needed for OT to work on Windows and ATSUI/AAT 
>on the Mac.

But it certainly is difficult to learn how to do this with the tools 
currently available.

>Uniscribe doesn't exist on the Mac.  MS Office X converts Unicode 
>text to runs of older Mac script systems and does not use ATSUI.  It 
>is therefore limited in the extent to which it supports Unicode.

Double-plus ungood.
Michael Everson *** Everson Typography ***

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