Need help please. 
1.  Current library built for unix and supports ASCII characters only. 
2.  This library must now accept wide characters from Japanese client.
1.  The library does not really evaluate the Japanese characters to make logical decisions.  We believe base64 encode the character array to avoid any "bad things happening in the code" (such as hitting a null value or other values that could potential cause problems).
2.  Cannot rewrite library in time allowed and don't really need to based on Fact item #1.  Plus, pressure to get product to market is greater than internationalizing the library.
What I need help with:
1.  How do I set up an ASCII based unix machine, test application and test environment to send Japanese characters to the library in question.
2.  Do I need to create hex input or binary input to represent Japanese characters.  Since I'm using a standard keyboard how do we get Japanese characters into the application?
3.  What am I not considering here?  What gotchas will I come across by not making my library i18nized?
Unfortunately, I've never done any i18n or l10n work before so I'm really having trouble figuring out where and how to get started.  Any advice is appreciated.
Eric Ray

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