At 3:32 PM +0100 3/28/02, Marco Cimarosti wrote:

>But it is not strictly necessary that any pope did not exist: 300 years
>could be the sum of many little errors in the biographies of many popes.
>Imagining that historians extended some popes' lifes by a two or three years
>(maybe unintentionally, maybe to hide little periods of vacancy on the siege
>of Peter) is much more plausible than inventing 54 popes from scratch.

The semi-official Catholic chronology of papal succession lists St. 
Peter as the first pope in Rome for about twenty-five years. (32-67 
according to the Catholic Encyclopedia, ) However, most historians 
today think that Peter probably didn't get to Rome and if he did, he 
wasn't there for more than about a year. I wouldn't be at all 
surprised to find similar issues with the reigns of other popes.

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