> > The last time I read the Unicode standard UTF-16 was big endian
> > unless a BOM was present, and that's what I expected from a UTF-16
> > converter.
> Conformance requirement C2 (TUS 3.0, p. 37) says:
[And other many good references where TUS does *not* say that :)]

OK, maybe in 2.0, or I made an assumption about network byte order. Or maybe
I read this too:

> I do remember reading once, somewhere, that big-endian was a preferred
> default in the absence of *any* other information (including platform of
> origin).  But I can't find anything in the Unicode Standard to back this
> up, so I'll assume for now that both byte orientations are considered
> equally legitimate.

Thanks for getting the references and checking Doug.


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