On Tuesday, June 11, 2002, at 03:32 PM, Steve Watt wrote:

> Could someone explain the relationship of the two tags, kIRG_HSource and
> kHKSCS in the unihan.txt file on the Unicode site?

Basically (at the moment), kIRG_HSource is a subset of kHKSCS.  They also 
come via different routes.  kIRG_HSource is a listing of those characters 
where the HKSAR submitted source information to the IRG.  So far, all 
these are in HK SCS, but we can't guarantee this will be the case in the 
future.  The latter comes via the HKSAR's official mapping tables.

> What would be the
> approved way to create a conversion table from Windows 950 (with HKSCS)
> to Unicode?

Er, doesn't MS provide one somewhere?

John H. Jenkins

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