William Overington wrote:
> >A decorated full stop should only appear within a piece of 
> text marked up in some special way, e.g.:
> >
> > <chromatic main="black" decoration="red">
> > This is my colorful text.
> > </chromatic>
> >
> >Therefore, color decoration is an issue only for *fonts* 
> and/or *rich* text
> >systems, not for Unicode or *plain* text encoding.
> Well, why?  Surely a decorated full stop could be in a plain 
> text file [...]

It could be, yes, but it wouldn't make sense. Plain text is typically used
to edit computer programs or send emails -- this kind of things.

An Ethiopic programmer wishing his source code to be color-decorated would
just be an eccentric guy: pretty like an European programmer wishing his
source code to be set in Fraktur.

> [...]  What is the correct, polite way to proceed please?
> Is there a committee that would need to be approached or
> what?  Does anyone know please?

First of all, it should be recognized that the whole discussion has
absolutely nothing to do with Unicode or encoding. Multicolor glyphs is a
pure FONT issue.

On the light of this fact, I think that this discussion should come to an
end. A blatantly off-topic thread may become unbearable after nearly 100
posts, especially if it deals with an irrelevant issue such as mimicking on
computers the calligraphy of ancient illuminators.

To answer your question, I don't think there exists any "committee" for such
issues. As far as I know, there are no standards for computer fonts: there
are several competing for formats, and for each one of them there is some
company, group, association, or individual who takes care of maintaining the

There are electronic discussion groups dealing with some font technologies.
But I wouldn't expect much attention even from such forums: color
illumination is not exactly priority number one for modern font

_ Marco

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