Theodore wrote:

> What is going to be done about the confusion generated from 
> having multiple ways to encode the same character?
> For example, for filenames, OSX will encode an accented Roman 
> letter one way, while for filenames Windows will encode it the 
> other way. These kind of confusions are totally expected, if 
> Unicode will allow more than one way to encode the same 
> character.

Perhaps a stray newsfeed routed via Alpha Centauri?
This is *very* old news, indeed.

> This means that matching algorithm's won't work, because the 
> characters are different!
> Will there be some kind of recommendation of which to avoid? 
> Will the Unicode consortium make a standard to say that one of 
> these encodings is strongly not recommended, and in fact 
> depreciated?

UAX #15: Unicode Normalization Forms

And it is up to an implementation to specify which normalization
form it uses.

By the way, we don't depreciate Unicode encodings -- we appreciate
them. ;-)

> And what about the OS that uses this encoding? How will the 
> Unicode consortium make the newly-offending OS change it's ways?

It isn't offending, and the Unicode Consortium won't.


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