On Wednesday, August 28, 2002, at 04:09 AM, Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
> That function also applies the bidirectional algorithm to the text it
> displays. However, since the application needs to do all manner of
> strange formatting (colouring, interspersed images, first-line
> specials, first-letter specials, base-line adjustments, ...) it calls
> the method word for word, doing the formatting itself.

This is why ATSUI (Apple's Carbon API for drawing Unicode text) is 
designed to deal with a paragraph at a time, supporting multiple fonts, 
colors, cross-stream shifts, with-stream shifts, baseline adjustments, 
leaving space for embedded images, etc. The new (to Jaguar) ATSUI 
Direct Access API allows direct program intervention in the low-level 
layout process as well.

An API that renders Unicode text correctly only when it's all in one 
font isn't terribly useful. :-)

Documentation on ATSUI Direct Access will be available whenever we 
update our online documentation to reflect 10.2, which should be over 
the coming few months, I believe. The header files are available now 
with 10.2, of course.

Deborah Goldsmith
Manager, Fonts & Unicode
Apple Computer, Inc.

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